Delhi CM Atishi Marlena Gets Emotional, Places Empty Chair for Arvind Kejriwal on Camera

New Delhi, September 23, 2024 – In a deeply emotional moment during a press conference today, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi Marlena paid tribute to her predecessor and mentor, Arvind Kejriwal, in an unexpected and poignant way. Atishi, who took over the reins of Delhi’s government after Kejriwal’s resignation, placed an empty chair next to her, symbolizing her hope for his return to leadership.

Fighting back tears, Atishi compared her situation to that of Bharat from the Ramayana, who ruled in Lord Ram’s absence during his exile. “I am feeling the same as Bharat must have felt when he took the throne after Lord Ram went on vanvaas (exile),” she said. “This empty chair symbolizes my hope for Arvind Kejriwal’s return.”

Atishi, known for her calm and composed demeanor, was visibly emotional as she made the analogy. She explained that while she may be leading the government now, she sees herself only as a temporary caretaker until Kejriwal’s potential comeback. “Like Bharat, I am here to fulfill my duty, but the real leader, the one this chair belongs to, is Arvind Kejriwal. I am simply holding this position until he returns.”

Kejriwal, a towering figure in Delhi politics, stepped down from his role as CM following a series of political setbacks and legal challenges. His resignation left a void, both in the Aam Aadmi Party and in the city’s governance, which Atishi has tried to fill. However, today’s gesture made it clear that in her mind, the former CM’s influence remains ever-present.

The empty chair next to Atishi served as a visual reminder of Kejriwal’s absence, and her gesture has sparked reactions across the political landscape. Supporters of AAP have praised Atishi for her loyalty and humility, while critics have questioned the dramatic nature of the display. Some have even speculated that this could be a calculated political move, reinforcing Kejriwal’s enduring role in Delhi’s political future.

At the press conference, Atishi spoke at length about the weight of her responsibilities but reiterated her belief that Kejriwal would eventually return to his former position. “This chair remains empty, but it is a symbol of my hope and faith that one day, Arvind Kejriwal will come back to lead us,” she said.

While Atishi continues to steer the government, today’s press conference made it clear that Kejriwal’s absence is deeply felt, and his potential return looms large over the future of Delhi politics. The image of the empty chair next to the CM has now become a powerful symbol of both longing and loyalty, capturing the complex emotions surrounding leadership in Delhi’s corridors of power.


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