Scientists creates world’s first stable semi-synthetic organism

Researchers from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), US have created world’s first stable semi-synthetic organism.

The semi-synthetic organism is the modified E.coli bacteria created by introducing DNA molecules that are not found in nature in a common bacterium, a single-celled bacterium with an expanded genetic code.

The newly created bacterium has two human-created X and Y bases that grow and divide, much like the four natural bases. This single-celled organism can hold on to the synthetic base pair as it divides. The human-created X and Y base pair was dropped over time in the bacterium that limited the ways the it can use the additional information possessed in their DNA.


  1. DAMME is a stable synthetic analog of methionine enkephalin. Actions are similar to those of methionine enkephalin. It can be reversed by narcotic antagonists such as naloxone. DAMME


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