Lockdown extended to 17 may

Lockdown in the country has been extended to May 17. The Union Home Ministry has said that there will be more concessions in green zone areas during the national lockdown. The central government said there would be no rail and air services.

As per the MHA statement, the strictness of the extended lockdown will depend on the level of Covid-19 outbreak in the respective districts.

The Green Zones are the districts with either zero confirmed cases till date; or, no confirmed case in the last 21 days.

The Red Zones are classified on the basis of the total number of active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, the extent of testing and surveillance feedback from the districts.

Those districts, which are neither defined as Red nor Green, are classified as Orange zones.

The MHA had earlier issued a list of current zine-wise listing of the districts across the country.


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