Marlon Samuels Receives Six-Year Ban from ICC for Anti-Corruption Code Violations

 In a decisive move, the International Cricket Council (ICC) has imposed a six-year ban on former cricketer Marlon Samuels, following a verdict by an independent Anti-Corruption Tribunal. The tribunal found Samuels guilty of breaching the Emirates Cricket Board (ECB) Anti-Corruption Code on four counts. The charges, which were brought forward by the ICC in September 2021, culminated in a guilty verdict in August of the following year. Among the accusations, Samuels failed to report a corrupt approach to the anti-corruption official and neglected to disclose hospitality valued at $750 or more.

Notably, the legendary all-rounder opted not to cooperate with the anti-corruption official, further complicating the investigation. Accusations also include obstruction and delay of the inquiry by withholding crucial information. 

The effective date of the ban is set at November 11, 2023, marking a significant setback for Samuels and underscoring the ICC's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the sport. Alex Marshall, the ICC General Manager, expressed stern views on the matter, stating, “Samuels played cricket for close to 20 years and he knew about the rules and regulations. Although he doesn’t play cricket anymore, he was active as a cricketer when the offenses were committed by him. His ban of six years will serve as a lesson to others.”

The ban not only serves as a punishment for Samuels but also sends a clear message to the cricketing community about the ICC's unwavering stance against corruption within the sport.



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